Monday, May 26, 2008

It is so nice to have a three day weekend. I just stayed home and cleaned and did a little yard work for the most part. This afternoon I was watching TV on the Internet and was thinking about the show The Office. I have only watched it a couple of times. Well I watched about 8 episodes this afternoon. It is the funniest show, the funny thing is some of the characters remind me of people I work with. I should of been watching this sooner. Anyone out there a fan of the show?
I love the one where he tells everyone in the office to find him a date and he calls a hot red head named Wendy. It is so dumb it's funny!!!!!


Jami said...

I LOVE this show! David and I just barely started watching, and we are starting at the beginning by renting them on Netflix. They are hilarious!

Gail said...

I can't believe you didn't know about this show. We love it.